Mattia Caroli & I Fiori del Male wanted to release their new album in style: with an animated music video and promotional social media content, which was later promoted on Billboard Italia. They got in touch with me, and after chatting about the project we reached the conclusion that it must include Mattia’s cat. What's better than one cat? Two cats. The idea developed from there.
To get the cats moving exactly as we wanted the best option was to draw them frame by frame.
I did the frame by frame animation in Adobe Animate, and added in the texture and colour in Adobe After Effects to distinguish the two cats and to get them to match the background illustrations. 
Using some of the already animated elements of the main music video I put together some 1080x1920 (Verticle) animations to promote the release of their album La Mia Generazione on Instagram.
"Working with Sam was extremely pleasant. Starting from a simple idea we reached unexpected points and discovered new possibilities.
Sam was attentive to every detail and often open to new ideas that we suggested to him to find a perfect blend of video and music; the final result was excellent and the video was previewed by billboard."
Mattia Caroli
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